Bonafide Certificate | Application Form & Process

A Bonafide certificate is issued for a particular person by an organization or institution to certify that the person belongs to that organization.

The bonafide certificate is necessary for school, college students, employees, and teachers. You come across this certificate while enrolling on an educational institution like a school or college for higher education.

Even in many educational organizations or legal works or for employees, the certificate is necessary.

This certificate is a necessary authorization given by the organization to state that the person belongs to that organization.

Many private and government organizations issue this certificate to their employees.

Bonafide Certificate Application Form:

You can download the bona fide Certificate application form pdf online for all school and college students here. Download the bonafide certificate PDF for school teachers and employees.

To get the certificate from your institute or organization, you have to apply for it. The initial step in the application process is to write an application letter to the institute head or an organization manager.

Every institute or organization will have their format for the application form, and the design will be ready for all the organisation’s people to the application.

The students may also be given the same application format in the institute they are studying in.

If the student can’t find the format in their institute, they can write a letter on plain paper requesting the certificate. Now, we will discuss the complete application process.

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Bonafide certificate Apllication Process:

Bonafide Certificate Application Form

As we discussed earlier, every institute or organization has a format for the certificate. The organization or institute gives the letterhead with the institute name on the paper.

To apply for the Bonafide certificate, you have to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Download your organization’s application format for the bonafide certificate. If you cannot find the application format on your organization’s website, contact the respective department and ask for the design of the application form.

Step 2: If the application form has a particular format, you will find it in any of the two ways mentioned above. Else, write a formal letter requesting the certificate.

3rd Step: Fill in all the details in the application form correctly without any errors, as they may print it precisely on your certificate.

Step 4: In the next step, after filling out the form, submit it along with the documents required for applying for the bona fide certificate and the application form.

Step 5: The institute or the organization verify the reason for applying for the bonafide certificate and the details filled in the application form and provide the certificate for you.

Thus, you can get a certificate from your institution or organization.

Why do we need a bona fide certificate?

The certificate is necessary for many applications, especially during your education. Students studying in educational institutions often need to submit a certificate for some applications.

The applications may include scholarship applications, internships, or while applying for higher education.

The certificate has called a study and conduct certificate. It mainly shows the student’s behaviour, and performance is satisfactory or not.

The previous institute certifies your behaviour in the form of a bonafide certificate. So, if you have a certificate, you will treat as a good student, and the previous institute has faith in you.

Apart from the reasons given above, there are many other reasons for the need for a certificate.

Certificate for Educational Loan:

Many people who cannot afford their education and want to continue their studies will apply for an educational loan.

For applying for an educational loan, you need a certificate as it gives the bank people proof that you are studying in that organization. It is the leading assurance for providing the loan.

Bonafide Certificate for Internships:

Many internship providers ask for a certificate for taking students into the internship program. The certificate gives the internship providers proof that they belong to a particular organization and are eligible for the internship based on their year of study.

Documents Required for Bonafide certificate:

For student Certificate:
  • Application form or a formal letter.
  • A copy of the student identity card.
  • A xerox copy of the fee receipt to verify the fee payment status of the student.
For employee certificate:
  • Bonafide application format of the company to submit to the organization’s HR.
  • A copy of the photo identity card given by the organization.
  • A xerox copy of the latest payslip.

With the above documents, you can easily apply for the bona fide certificate at your institute or organization and get the certification.

Download Bonafide Certificate Get Here


What is a bonafide certificate?

An organisation issues a bona fide certificate certifying that a particular person belongs to that organisation. Usually, educational institutions give this certificate to their students.

What are the reasons for a bona fide certificate?

A bonafide certificate describes a document issued by an educational institute that certifies the person being alluded to as a genuine student pursuing a particular course. These certificates are admissible as supporting documents when applying for scholarships and visas.

What is bonafide used for?

Bona fide means “in good faith” in Latin. When applied to business deals, it stresses the absence of fraud or deception.

How do I request a school for a bona fide certificate?

Write a letter of application to the Principal of your Junior College requesting them to issue you the same.

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